Catholic Higher Education and Nursing: Formation of the Heart

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"Born from the heart of the church," a Catholic university that educates nurses is engaged in the "formation of the heart"; that is, in forming students who have a heart that "sees where love is needed and acts accordingly." Precisely because the identity and mission of the Catholic university make public its commitment to the "formation of an authentic human community animated by the spirit of Christ," nursing education bears witness to an integral and holistic formation of healthcare professionals who are intellectually, ethically, and spiritually transformed to seek truth, promote human dignity, and serve with charity. In nursing education, formation of the heart engages the entire university community, its students, faculty and staff, directors and administrators, as well as its communities of practice. This article describes how the identity and mission of Catholic higher education are enacted in nursing education by focusing on the formation of the heart, that is, "a heart which sees where love is needed and acts accordingly."

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